Synchronous Online Programs
The Virginia Air & Space Science Center offers a variety of programs that make learning more accessible and fun. Our synchronous online education programs were designed with a focus on grades 5-8 and support the Virginia Standards of Learning, while stimulating students’ interests in the fields of science and technology. Our educators are ready to work with your students’ curriculum needs through Nearpod with Zoom to make their learning experience truly electrifying.
Check it out!
Are you curious about the content of our synchronous online programs? Do you wonder what other teachers have been saying about these programs? Play the video to see some of our demonstrations and read teacher feedback!
Bring on the Noise
VA SOL Alignment: 5.5
What is a compression wave? At what speed does sound travel? Find out what sound is and how it travels. How does sound travel through a solid, liquid, and a gas? Learn the factors that affect the pitch of a vibrating object and relate that to the object’s frequency.

Earth, Moon, Sun
VA SOL Alignment: 4.6, 6.3
What causes the Sun to rise and set each day? Learn what causes the Earth’s four seasons. Classify the different phases of the Moon and discover how the tides occur! Learn about high and low tides and why the tides change every day.

VA SOL Alignment: 5.4, PS. 9
How is electricity created? What makes static electricity? Gain an understanding of how a flow of electrons is generated by copper atoms. Learn the difference between insulators and conductors, as well as open and closed circuits.

Gross Science
VA SOL Alignment: 3.5b, 4.2a, 4.3b, LS. 4, LS. 5, LS. 6
Learn all about food webs and the importance they play in healthy ecosystems. Explore producers, consumers, and decomposers of different habitats. What is the difference between a food web and a food chain? What can you learn from dissecting owl pellets? See what a mosquito’s nose looks like and discover why they want your blood!

Lighten Up
VA SOL Alignment: 5.6
What is a transverse wave? At what speed does light travel? Identify unique aspects of light energy. Uncover what it takes to make white light! Determine how light is either reflected, refracted, or absorbed by an object. Explore the relationship between wavelength and the visible spectrum.